Jenis Minyak yang Dapat Digunakan untuk Pijat Bayi

Jenis Minyak yang Dapat Digunakan untuk Pijat Bayi
Ilustrasi pijat bayi. Credit: Freepik

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Baby massage is an activity that not only relaxes the baby but also stimulates their development. It is possible for you to massage your infant on your own at home, or you can hire a professional that specializes in baby massage. In addition to being aware of the proper technique, there are a number of oils that are suitable for baby massage.


What are the benefits of baby massage?

Baby massage is an excellent way for mom and baby to bond, and it's also good for the baby's growth and development. The physical contact that takes place when you massage your child can serve as a kind of communication between the mother and the child, which can result in inducing a sense of calmness in the newborn.

A few advantages of massaging babies are:

  • Help baby be calmer and more comfortable
  • Improve infant sleep
  • Boost immune system
  • Help with flatulence and stomach air circulation
  • Enhance baby's focus

There are no universally acknowledged recommendations regarding the optimal time to begin massaging a newborn. However, several experts suggest that massaging a newborn shortly after birth may potentially overwhelm the baby's sensory system. According to experts at the Baby Center, it is recommended to begin baby massage 10–14 days after giving birth, using either baby oil or a special baby lotion.


Tips for choosing the right oil for baby massage

In addition to the method, you have to consider the oil used when massaging a baby. Massage with baby oil is a favorite among some parents, while others prefer to use vegetable oil. Oils containing natural components may help hydrate baby skin. However, the application of oil that is not specifically formulated for newborns may result in irritation.

After massaging a newborn with natural oils, observe the skin reaction of the baby. If a red rash or spots occur as indicators of irritation after a massage, it is advisable to discontinue the use of the oil for infant massage.

Here are some recommended oils for baby massage:

Coconut oil

Applying virgin coconut oil to newborn and premature infants can improve and strengthen their skin, according to a study published in 2020. Coconut oil contains moisturizers, which can boost skin hydration. In addition to preterm infants, the use of coconut oil for massage is recommended for newborns and older babies. Coconut oil is beneficial for relieving the symptoms of eczema in infants.

Petroleum jelly 

Petroleum jelly is another option for massaging a newborn. If you want to massage your baby's skin and keep it wet for a long time, you should use petroleum jelly.

Baby oil

Research conducted in 2012 confirmed that massaging a baby's skin with baby oil is completely safe. Baby oil is not only easy to find but also comfortable to use and non-irritating. However, coconut oil may be more beneficial than baby oil in relieving the symptoms of eczema in infants.

Shea butter

Shea butter, a cream derived from natural sources, serves as a safe and effective moisturizer for the sensitive skin of babies. Select a natural shea butter product that is specifically designed for infants or does not contain any additional perfumes or additives.

Chamomile lotion

Chamomile lotion is beneficial for relieving the symptoms of infant eczema and diaper rash and is considered safe for use as baby massage oil. This oil also has a thermogenic effect that may soothe the skin and improve the comfort of your child.

It is not recommended to apply olive oil for baby massage to infants with sensitive skin due to its content of oleic acid, which may damage the skin and cause irritation. Talk to your doctor about lotions and massage oils for your infant with eczema. If you need medical advice or consultation, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.

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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr. Monica Salim
Last Updated : Selasa, 23 April 2024 | 09:53